


General Medicine or Internal Medicine is the medical specialty concerned with preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases in adults.

General Medicine considers all aspects of your health and wellbeing when providing care, including the physical, emotional or psychological effects of your condition or treatment.

Treatment & Services

  • All types of fevers
  • Infections affecting different organs of the body
  • All metabolic and endocrine diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, cholesterol, obesity.
  • Blood pressure
  • Tummy aches, infections like vomiting, diarrhoea and jaundice
  • Infectious diseases
  • Respiratory diseases like asthma, allergies, lung infection, cough, sinusitis, pneumonia & TB
  • Disease of the joints and limbs, backache
  • Problems like headache, muscular weakness, epilepsy.
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Chronic diseases
  • Peritoneal fluid Aspiration
  • Pleural tap
  • Lumber puncture
  • ABG Analysis